Customer Testimonials

Check out what our customers are catching, and what they're saying about our products.
Tog caught on our Hurst Tackle Supply Jigs
Tog caught on our Hurst Tackle Supply Jigs
Take the family fishing! Tog caught on our Hurst Tackle Supply Jigs
Take the family fishing! Tog caught on our Hurst Tackle Supply Jigs
Little girl admiring her Northern Puffer Fish
Little girl admiring her Northern Puffer Fish

Captain Mat DiGiovanna & Family

Norwalk, CT

 Tog & Northern Puffer caught in the Western Long Island Sound


New Jersey

"All I can say is awesome product- dedication consistent, willingness to meet my every demand. Josh is a real positive to help out the South Jersey fishing community. I have a lot of friends in the fishing community from my past. Give Hurst tackle a chance. You haven’t tried anything till you try to Hurst swing Jig. By local support local."

Tog / blackfish / Tautog caught on our Hurst Tackle Supply Jigs
Tog / blackfish / Tautog caught on our Hurst Tackle Supply Jigs

Brandon & his son Ayden

New Jersey

Brandon & Ayden caught some Jersey Tog with Ayden catching his PB and winning the pool.  Great job buddy!


New Jersey

Can't say anything bad about Hurst Tackle Supply, his products have been spot on since day one. Never had a hook break or bend. High quality all the way around, being able to work with Josh and customize hook size show you his dedication to this company and the fisherman. Wouldn't use anything but Hurst Tackle Supply.

Tog / blackfish / Tautog caught on our Hurst Tackle Supply Jigs
Tog / blackfish / Tautog caught on our Hurst Tackle Supply Jigs
Tog / blackfish / Tautog caught on our Hurst Tackle Supply Jigs
Tog / blackfish / Tautog caught on our Hurst Tackle Supply Jigs
Tog / blackfish / Tautog caught on our Hurst Tackle Supply Jigs
Tog / blackfish / Tautog caught on our Hurst Tackle Supply Jigs



Here are some Tog caught on Collarless Banana Jigs.  Justin says "I love your jigs"